Commonly-received queries received by the PSRO helpdesk for HST recruitment have been compiled, and divided up into the various sections relating to the stages of the recruitment process.
- General - queries which relate to the process as a whole, but which are not necessarily 'tied' to one topic area.
- Eligibility - queries about the HST eligibility criteria, relating to the essential criteria of the person specifications, and how potential candidates can go about showing they meet them.
Applying - queries specific to completing the application form; this includes questions on selecting the appropriate application scoring options and what happens after submission of your form.
- Interview - queries regarding the interview process.
Offers - queries regarding the process by which: programme preferences are ranked, offers are made and clearing conducted.
Round 2 - queries which specifically relate to round 2.
Glossary - a glossary page, listing a number of the more common acronyms/terms used in medical recruitment. Generally we have tried to minimise the jargon and acronyms used throughout this website and our guidance more generally, but in some cases referring to this page may be of use.