This section looks at how you will be considered for offers.

Much of the HST applying section of the website is relevant to applying to stroke medicine and so the guidance here should be read in conjunction with that. This area will provide an overview and focus on where stroke medicine deviates, sectiosn include:

  • Programme preferences - how you will rank the available programmes in which you are interested
  • Offers - how they will be made and how you can respond
  • Employment - what happens after you accept an offer to enable you to take up employment.

There is detailed guidance about choosing the programmes for which you wish to be considered for offer. This a very important area as you cannot be made an offer if you do not take any action.

Programme preferences are anticipated to be available to choose in early to mid-January; you will be emailed when they are ready and the deadline will be confirmed.

Most importantly we advise you to only preference programmes you would genuinely considered accepting if offered, and organise them in an order which genuinely reflects your preferences. The offers process is designed in such a way that, provided you give honest and accurate choices, then where possible you will be offered your highest-available preference.

How and when offers made

All offers, and responses to them, are made via the Oriel system.

The timetable for offers is included in the timeline section. You will be emailed more information once offers get underway to provide you with as much information as possible about progress.

See the HST section on the making of offers for more detailed general information.

Responding to offers

The HST pages on responding to offers have detailed information which is equally applicable to stroke medicine so please see this for guidance. The only difference is that there is no holding deadline for Stroke medicine.

You will need to contact your current training region and training programme director as soon as possible after you have accepted an offer. This will have the additional benefit of allowing your training programme director to identify a gap in the programme ahead of HST recruitment, giving them the opportunity to find a new trainee. 

Your stroke medicine training will be classed as 'out of programme (training)' and your training region is responsible for approving this; which is why it is strongly recommended to discuss it with them before you apply to stroke medicine.

The JRCPTB website has guidance on out of programme, including the form you will need to submit to them, so that they can record your new programme and add stroke medicine to your ePortfolio.